Australian made products at your doorstep

At PACKQUEEN, we are proud to be Australian manufacturers. Being a local manufacturer means that we are able to offer a number of key benefits to our customers that our competitors cannot match. 90% of our products are manufactured in Australia while 10% are manufactured using our off-shore factory for specialty packaging and finishes.

One of the biggest advantages of being Australian manufacturers is that we are able to offer shorter lead and delivery times on your order. We are able to provide you with faster turnaround times, ensuring that you receive your products in a timely manner. This is particularly important for businesses that require quick turnaround times for their packaging needs, such as seasonal products or promotional items.

Another advantage of being Australian manufacturers is that we are able to offer superior quality in design that supersedes the competition. We understand that packaging is more than just a container for your products - it is an extension of your brand and a way to showcase your products in the best possible light. That's why we go through extensive design processes to ensure that our packaging is the right design for your business. Our team of experts work closely with you to understand your needs and create packaging that is both aesthetically pleasing and functional.

We have specifically designed our manufacturing capabilities around your growing business. What this means is that we have unlimited capacity for manufacturing. Whether you require 100 boxes or 10,000, we are able to cater for your business as it grows. This allows you to have peace of mind knowing that we can meet your packaging needs no matter how big or small your order may be.

Manufacturing right here in Australia also means that we can keep a close eye on the quality and pricing of your products. We are able to monitor the manufacturing process closely, ensuring that there are no changes to the products that you weren't aware of. We are also able to keep our pricing competitive, without the risk of hefty price hikes that you hadn't budgeted for.

Why do thousands of customers keep coming back to us?

At PACKQUEEN, we are truly passionate about packaging and manufacturing. We see business relationships as a partnership and this is why our customers continue to support us. Our customers know that whether they have ordered for the first time or the 50th time, they will receive the same level of customer service and packaging every time.

If you are ready to partner with a packaging company that is here for your business, get in touch with our team today. Lets grow together.

Which products are Australian Made?

We've made it easy! Just look for an Australian made logo on all products.